2020 : Bots are back..
Master Reference — Github Page (link)
🔬 Lab Exercise (link) — 2 hours
An Intro to script writing (link)
Chatbot Datasets (link)
Slides (Intro) (Dialogflow)
Casestudies (link)
Set Expectations (link)
Planner (12 Hours)
Random Thoughts:
🦋 Dialogflow Messenger (Beta Version) for viewing Rich Messages
There are three use cases,
- Book Store Bot (Papyrus Book House)
- Coffee Shop Bot (Workflow — link)
- Weather Bot (+ COVID 19 Bot)
Day 1:
Introducing Chatbots in Dialogflow
Why we need Chatbots?
To work 24 x 7
Works damn well during Pandemics aka BCP
Prerequisites and Software
- Open an Account with Dialogflow/ Google Cloud
Introducing Dialogflow
Conversation Flow
Setting up Dialogflow
Building Blocks of Chatbots
Create and manage intents
Agent Settings Versions and environment
Pre-built agents (Coffe Shop/ Tips Calculator)
Small Talk
Multilingual Agents
Introduction to Intents
Intents Create and manage intents
Take example from Coffee Bot
Welcome Intent (When you say, Hello - What should come next)
Fallback Intent (When you don't understand the question, what should be the safer answer)
Training phrases
The more the training phrases, the better the results
Actions and parameters
Default intents
Rich messages
Introduction to Entities
Create and manage entities
System entities
Most of these guys will be detected automatically, once we update the Training phrases
Developer entities
Entities designed by Developers
Session entities
Regex entities
Fuzzy matching
Banana Shake/Mango Shake
If you give Apple Shake — It will be considered as a Shake
What is Contexts?
Input and output contexts
Each active context has a lifespan that defines the number of conversational turns for which the context remains active. The default lifespan is five conversational turns for normal intents and two conversational turns for follow-up intents. You can override the default lifespan for any contexts. In addition, all contexts expire after 20 minutes of becoming active. When an intent is matched with an output context that is already active, the lifespan and expiration timer are reset.
(Source: Google Documentation)
Follow-up intents
This is quite obvious
Contexts and fulfillment
How to uploard Knowledge doc (link)
link for reference document (here)
Book Store (link)
How fulfillment works?
Configure fulfillment
Webhook for slot filling
Using external API for fulfillment
Day 2: Deploying your chatbot on web Building a webhook endpoint Setting up the webhook endpoint for dynamic data retrieval Configuring Intents with Fulfillment Fulfillment Using Cloud Functions for Firebase Fulfillment Using AWS Lambdas Integrating with Third-party Applications Setting up Facebook App Integration with Facebook messenger Setting up a Slack Workspace Integrating Dialogflow with Slack Quick Introduction to NLP for chatbots Introduction to NLP What is spaCy? POS Tagging Stemming and Lemmatization Named-Entity Recognition Stop-words Dependency Parsing Noun Chunks Finding Similarity
Hello Bots !
lab Setup
Install Python (latest version 3.8.0 +) (link)
Install Anaconda (latest version) (link)
Python libraries to be installed (after Python instalation): NLTK, TextBlob and Spacy (This can be done during the Training session)
import NLTK
import TextBlob
import Spacy
Register an Account with Dialogflow, Chatfuel, PandoraBots and Wolfram Cloud