Everything Everywhere All At Once — Excel Series (Published)

~/Pal Version

Pradeep Ankem
5 min readMar 24, 2023


Photo Credit: MidJourney AI

Table of Contents

· Home
Golden Rules on Tabular Data
Rules of Chart Design
Dataset Links
Social Media Handles
Self-Study Track
Auditing Features
Key Steps in Data Analysis
How to approach a new Challenge


Q21: What are the clones of Excel ?

A21.a: Google Sheets

A21.b: Ethercalc

A21.c: Apple Numbers


Q12: What are the challenges that can be tried while learning Excel ?

a12.1 String Reverse [..]

a12.2 Sanskrit names detector if female or male

a12.3 Holi Poster [..]

a12.4 BMI App [..]

a12.5 Data Analysis of Titanic Dataset [..]

a12.6 Data Analysis of mtcars [..]

a12.7 Check Palindrome

a12.8 Hangman

a12.9 Data analysis IPL dataset [..]

a12.10 How to convert a .csv file from url into .xlsx sheet

a12.1.a Functions used: LEFT(), RIGHT(), MID(), LEN(), VLOOKUP(), CONCAT() or “&” symbol

a12.6.a Hypothesis: Correlation between mpg vs wt (to explain CORREL() and Scatter Plot)

a12.6.b Drawn box plot on wt vs mpg (used combo chart)

a12.6.c used VLOOKUP(), INDEX() and MATCH() excel functions

a12.5 [🚢]Hypothesis on Titanic:

a12.5.a Older and Younger Passengers have high chance of survival

a12.5.b High class Passengers have high chance of survival

a12.5.c Female Passengers have high chance of survival

a12.5.d Filling up blank values in Age Column

a12.5.cd Heatmap on correlation matrix (used conditional formatting) with Survival and other key features

a12.5.ui Histogram on age distribution (Pareto)

a12.5.e Worked on Plots like Piechart , Barplot, Donught Chart, 100% Stacked Bar Graph, Histogram and Box Plot

a12.5.e.i Introduced the Pivot Charts and made students understand the importance of summarized data.

a12.5.f Converted Text data to Numeric Data and done the Descriptive Statistics and found of the missing values in Age distribution.

a12.4.a [..BMI] Used thick borders

a12.4.b Used basic math operators

a12.4.c Used IF statement

a12.4.d Used conditional formatting.
a12.4.e used Today() function and Date() function

a12.2.a Used LEFT() and IF() statements

Golden Rules on Tabular Data

Q41 What are the rules for Tabular Data ?

A41.a Rule #0: Make more mistakes and learn stuff during resolving them

A41.b Rule #1: Never ever disturb the source file

A41.c Rule #2: Duplicate source file and convert it into table

A41.d Rule#3: Insert Pivot Table for better understanding of data

A41.e Rule#4: Always start from A1

Rules of Chart Design

Q13 What are the rules for Chart design ?

A13.1 Rule#0: Always ensure to fill the values of Title, Axis Labels, Legends, data labels

A13.2 Rule#1: For pie charts, keep only percentages

A13.3 Rule#2: Use appropriate color coding

A13.4 Rule#3: Choose appropriate scale for the axis

Dataset Links

Q44: What are the dataset links ?

A44.1 IPL (link)
A44.2 Titanic (link)

A44.3 mtcars (link) (AC: Most favorite among R users)

A44.4 Seaborn links

A44.43: [Hastags] #Python #Datasets


Q77: What are the must have add-ins ?

A77.1 Data Analysis Toolpak (link)
A77.2 Powerbi plug-in (Plug-in happens when you install Power BI Desktop)
A77.3 Tableau plug-in (Plug-in happens when you install Tableau Desktop)

Social Media Handles

Q123: Whom to follow in Excel world ?

A123.1 Leila Gahrani Youtuber
A123.2 Chandoo.org
A123.3 Guy in cube for Power BI

Self-Study Track

Q97: What are self-study tracks ?

A97.a: Exceljet
A97.b: W3Schools
A97.c: Excel-easy

A97.d: [Tip] Take a simple example and practice

A97.e: [Hack] Use ChatGPT for quiz creation

A97.f: [Tip] Use Templates to begin with and try to replicate the same on your own

A97.f: [Tip] Take short text hallenges from Hackerrank or Hackerearth or edabits or leetcode and follow the same in Excel

A97.f.i [links]

Auditing Features

Q321: What are the auditing features that helps ?

A321.a: Use of precedents

A321.b: Evaluate formula feature

A321.c: Use conditional formatting

a12.3.a How to connect to the URL ? (Holi)


Q94: What are the limitations of the classroom set up?

A94.a Different versions of the Excel

A94.b Learning is non-linear

A94.c Excel is getting updated for every 2 months with new functions and features.

What you learn few months back in Excel is more likely to get outdated, that’s the true challenge

Key Steps in Data Analysis

Q5: What are the five steps in Data Analysis ?

A5.a Data Collection

A5.b Data Exploration

A5.c Data Pre-processing

A5.d Data Transformation

A5.e.i Dashboard creation

+ A5.e.ii Data Insights Report


Q77: What are the books that are available to learn Excel ?

A77.a Head-first Excel (link)

A77.b Excel for dummies (link)

A77.c Predictive Analytics


Q232: What are some interesting short challenges that can be tried out ?

A232.1 Twitter Sentiment Analysis

A232.2 Check if something is an email

A232.3 Find International Space Station LIVE location


A2.a Next Month Budget Sheet

A2.b Income Statement with scenario analysis

A2.c Stock Portfolio

A2.d Resume

A2.e Balance Sheet

A2.f Youtube Analytics

A2.g Social Media Content Creation

A2.h Job Dashboard

A2.i Financial Model of Tea Time 🫖

How to approach a new Challenge

Q124: What are the steps to be followed while facing a Challenge?

A124.a: Check for the Objective

A124.b: Write down a script in a flow chart format.

A124.c: Use code block for each step

│ │ # What is the objective of your task ?
│ objective ? │

│ │ # Create a script on the flow
│ Scrpit │

│ │
│ code block │ # Create a code block on each step

A124.ci Provide an example of the above steps

A124.ci.1 Challenge is How to reverse a string ? (Cross ref a12.1)

Q782: I want to catch up on Generative apps, do we have any ?

A782: Yes, Excel formula bot (link)


N34 Meta Data:

N34.a Version of this post: 1.1.2403



Pradeep Ankem
Pradeep Ankem

Written by Pradeep Ankem

In Parallel Universe, I would have been a Zen Monk.

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