Logistic Regression [Dec 2022]

Pradeep Ankem
1 min readMar 2, 2020


Topics to be discussed

Guiding Principles

Break the ice: Santa Claus Dashboard + Meditations

Steps in Data Science

Simple Example

Sweet Viz Library

Titanic Example

Logistic Regression Vs Linear Regression

What are the things we have learnt?

Guiding Principles:

  1. Math is in the Black Box
  2. Allow to copy and paste the code
  3. Collaborative approach instead of “Sir” approach
  4. Reverse engineering with Project based approach

“The best way to learn how a Radio works is to break it”

Break the ice: Santa Claus Dashboard + Meditations

For 10 to 15 minutes will engage students
in “break the ice” session
to get connected to them in a casual
approach and slowly drop into the topic.

Steps in Data science

Things to add:

“quote from Sherlock”


Better the questions, better the answers

Keep it Interactive

Work on Real World Applications

Opening Page (link) ~ Think Python

Stats Page (link) / Calculator (link)

Links: repl.it ( link) , a snippet from R (link)

Datasets: mtcars link/ Loan Dataset ( link)

PowerPoint Presentation: Slide Share (link)

Python Notebook: link (Colab) Datalore: (link)

link in w3schools: link



Pradeep Ankem
Pradeep Ankem

Written by Pradeep Ankem

In Parallel Universe, I would have been a Zen Monk.

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