Logistic Regression [Dec 2022]
1 min readMar 2, 2020
Topics to be discussed
Guiding Principles
Break the ice: Santa Claus Dashboard + Meditations
Steps in Data Science
Simple Example
Sweet Viz Library
Titanic Example
Logistic Regression Vs Linear Regression
What are the things we have learnt?
Guiding Principles:
- Math is in the Black Box
- Allow to copy and paste the code
- Collaborative approach instead of “Sir” approach
- Reverse engineering with Project based approach
“The best way to learn how a Radio works is to break it”
Break the ice: Santa Claus Dashboard + Meditations
For 10 to 15 minutes will engage students
in “break the ice” session
to get connected to them in a casual
approach and slowly drop into the topic.
Steps in Data science
Things to add:
“quote from Sherlock”
Better the questions, better the answers
Keep it Interactive
Work on Real World Applications