Quote unquote [Draft]
For last 4 years, I followed a ritual called “a quote a day”, that would sum up to 1440 quotes (few of them are Jokes too) as of today. Most of the credit goes to Mr. Murty (My mentor in Poetry), he is the one who initiated and he as well makes a regular follow up when i miss a day or two…he always used to say something very profound to me....If you have a poetic madness, you should have something to your daily regime; else, you eventually die to boredom.
I am taking up a mental exercise, where in I would go on an alphabetical order and try to recollect from my messy memory, the quotes I could recall..Here, is how the list goes…
Ad homeinum
A for Apple
If a Man likes to make coffee, you will like drinking his coffee.
The above one is dedicated to Steve Jobs.
B for Boss
This one is from Robert Frost, “You work hard enough to become boss and end up working 12 hours a day instead of 8 man hours.”
C for Cat
Dogs have Masters, cats have staff
D for Devil
Unfortunately, Devil is yet to publish the books of his side..while God have too many in the market.
E for Education
A thief might rob a train, but an university Graduate might rob a Railroad.
F for Failure
Never be that Caterpillar who kills herself prematurely , not thinking someday she is a Butterfly.
G for Gun
In American army, if a Soldier loses his Gun, he need to pay for it. Probably that’s the reason Navy officers sink along with the ship.
H for Hope
Hope is not looking forward for a bright sunrise, Hope is to look forward for a rainbow in a broken Glass.
I for Ice cream
This is how I taught my kids “Tax”. I had 30% of their ice-cream and asked them to eat rest.
J for Joker
If you are good at something, never do it for free.
One more,
What doesn't kill you, simply makes you a stranger
K for Kiss
A kiss can ruin a Man’s life.
By Oscar Wilde
L for Love
Love is a theft, if there is no sacrifice by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
M for Marriage
Marriage is between two souls, where one can only sleep with closed windows, where an another always go to bed with open windows.
N for Nasty
O for Owl
P for Peace
In Peace, rich rules poor; In war, Strong rules weak as quoted by Oscar Wilde
Q for Queen
It would better be a single and Beggar, rather than be Queen and married.
R for Rain
Never hate Rain, as it simple doesn’t know, how to flow upwards. As mentioned by Vladimir Nabokov of Lolita fame.
S for Stoic
Life is short, stay Stoic.
T for Training
U for umbrella
V for Vendetta
W for Writing
X for eX
When you are committed to One, you close doors for those, who showed interest on you. But, when that One really ditches you, you lose key to all the doors.
Y for whY
Z for Zombie